
Call 541-412-8806 or 1-800-921-BUS1 (1-800-921-2871)  to schedule a ride.  Reservations ARE required. Please try to give us as much notice as possible to assure a seat. Four hours notice is preferred. We stop taking reservations one hour before departure time.

All buses are ADA wheelchair accessible.

Brookings Hours:


Monday through Friday



Service Boundaries: SWOCC campus to the north, Pedrioli Road to the south, Salmonberry Road on south bank Chetco and Riverside Market on north bank Chetco.

Gold Beach Hours:

Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Friday
Closed Thursday and weekends

Service Boundaries: Rogue Hills to the north and 80 Acres Road to the south, 3 miles up either north of south bank Rogue.

Additional Information

Dispatch hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. 9:00am-3:00pm Saturday.

Call the CPTI Dispatcher at 541-412-8806 to schedule a pickup. Be prepared to tell the Dispatcher:

¨ the name of the primary rider

¨ how many others (if any) will be riding

¨ street address and/or business name where you need to be picked up

¨ street address and/or business name where you need to go

¨ when you need to be picked up (or when you need to arrive)

¨ when you will need to return and from where

¨ if you have any special needs (wheelchair, walker, etc.)

Buses run south on the hour and north on the half hour. Pick up window is 1/2 hour after scheduled time. Unavoidable delays may happen from time to time. There is no service available on Sundays or major holidays (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the following day, and Christmas). Limited service for special community events.

If you schedule a ride and need to cancel it, please inform the Dispatcher at least one hour in advance. If the bus comes to pick you up and you are not there, it will count as a “No Show.” After two “No Shows”, the passenger will be denied future service for a period not exceeding two weeks. A third “No Show” within a twelve month period will result in a suspension of riding privileges for up to three months.

Limit of two carry-on’s with a total weight of under 40 pounds.

Animals are allowed, but must be well groomed and well behaved, restrained on a leash or in a closed container, and must ride on the floor.

Service is curb to curb. Drivers are not allowed to assist anyone into a building or carry bags or parcels.

NOTE: Drivers cannot wait for you to complete even a brief errand after you depart the bus.